Website Design
Website Changes
Urgent Changes
Any e-mail addition, deletion, or password reset will be processed as soon as the
request is received. E-mail changes and problems are given top priority and should
be identified as 'urgent.'
Any error reported with the forms or broken links will be corrected as soon as they
are identified, debugged, and a solution is found. These types of problems are extremely
rare but do occur. They should also be identified as 'urgent.'
Any telephone number change, address change, hours of operation change will be updated
as soon as possible.
Routine Changes
Groomer Web Services maintains your website to be free of typos and misprints. Corrections
to these types of problems will be made as soon as possible.
Groomer Web Services will add, replace, or remove any groomer, receptionist or person
working at your grooming salon. All biographies are changed as soon as possible.
Major Website Changes
Occaisionally, you may want to make artwork changes, color changes or give your
website a new look. You may want to add a new website page. These types of changes
are quoted on a case-by-case basis. Please click
Updates to request these types of changes and a quote can be sent to you.
E-Mail Accounts
Groomer Web Services creates web based e-mail accounts for the employees in your
office. Web based e-mail can be accessed at any time from any computer connected
to the internet. Whether you are at home or in the office, all you have to do is
type in your e-mail address and password.
Groomer Web Services can create up to 5 e-mail accounts for you. All e-mail accounts
are in the form of:
If you order forms listed on the Website Forms page,
all e-mail generated by the forms will be sent to a specific e-mail set up for your
grooming salon. All forms that are filled out by clients will be sent to this e-mail.
Password Resets
If you forget your password, Groomer Web Services will reset your e-mail password
as soon as possible when the request is made. Please click the Client Services link
to reset a forgotten password.
You will be provided with a flyer to distribute to your clients. The flyer advertises
your website and Groomer Web Services writes it. The flyer is sent to you in Word
format. You can change the flyer and correct it as needed. The header of the flyer
will have your logo if provided.